Monday, June 11, 2012

My Life's Beginning

Making a decisions on what college you want to attend is a hard choice. You have to choose the college thats right for you. So people think "Just choose one, they're all the same thing and you still get a job afterwards." But that is not always the case. You want to go for the college that is known for the career you want to persue in life.

That is why i choose SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design). SCAD is known for producing many great artist ,and I believe that my love for photography will become stronger. For years I've been trying to find a college that fits me. Either the college is not diverse enough, doesnt offer the programs I need, or it didn't have my major. But SCAD has everything I need. I found this college through a friend
                                          TO BE CONTINUED.....


  1. What are some of your other preferences besides diversity and the type of programs they offer? Does distance and class size have an impact on the type of college you choose also?

  2. Looking at your page in my opinion you have your passion and future goals down pact. This is great that you want to be a photographer when you graduate from school. Your mini essay was also great. you will do great. keep continuing with your ideas..

  3. I agree that SCAD is a great school to persue your passion that is why SCAD is another school choice of mine as well.

  4. I believe this is a wonderful college choice for you since you are so passionate about art. My brother got a full ride to SCAD but did not accept due to his home life.But Keep on striving for excellence!

  5. Well I'm glad you decided on a school because it’s not easy trying to see where you’ll fit or if the school will if you. If SCAD is the school for you go for it.

  6. Well, SCAD is the college for you because you have an artistic ability. I hope you become a great artist and take beautiful photos.

  7. Yes, SCAD is very popular for artists. Did your friend attend SCAD? By the way, make sure your click the spell-check button on your posts.

    1. Actually she will be attending SCAD fall of 2012 to study visual arts

  8. This is good keep up the good work.

  9. I would love to hear what you think about these sites:

  10. Oh, and I forgot this one too:
